Comments? E-Mail me!
Got an idea to improve the site? Put
"My Idea" in the subject header.
Got a Midi or other type of request? Put
"My Request" in the subject header.
Got a site for the "Bored" Site or
a reason for the "7th grade" site? Just put "My
submission" in subject header.
Got a question or comment related to the
site? Put either "Question" or "Comment" in the
subject header.
Also, I'm now
accepting Computer Problems!
You send me the problem, I'll try to help you as much as I can!
Note: Requests for Midis of songs that are
new (less than 3-4 months) have a 90% chance of not being added. It's
not because I don't like the song. The midi's have to be made my
someone. I get them from other sites. Simply put, if the song is too
new, most likely, no one made a midi of it yet so I can't put it on
because it doesn't exist!