Stats :
Name : John
Nicknames : Smurf, Lil' Juan/John, Juanathon (None of
these were chosen by me of course.)
Height : 4'8''
Weight : 70 lbs. (Yes I know. I weigh nothing. But hey I eat like hell.
Problem is my metabolism is just too fast so I never gain weight. So in
plain English, I can't do anything about it.)
My Appearance :
Head :
Hair : Brown. Always in bad shape and in urgent need of a cut.
Eyes : Brown.
Mouth : Braces :-{
Clothes :
Shirt : Usually a long sleeved shirt with some design. My favorite kind
of shirts are those that look like you're wearing a short-sleeved shirt on
top of a long sleeved shirt.
Pants : Baggy. Usually jeans. I have about 10 pears of jeans. I only
wear shorts during spring and summer.
Shoes : Sneakers. No fancy $150 basketball shoes.
Simple sneakers like Reebok.
Misc : I wear a chain sometimes, it depends on the rest of my outfit.
Also, I always, always, always have my watch with me. :-]
Personality :
Okay well I'll try to describe my personality as well as possible but it
ain't easy. Okay well...hmm...I joke around a lot. I have a lot of inside
jokes, especially with Erik. I get along great with boys. Okay with girls.(Wow!
That came out soooo wrong...) I have a pretty good sense of humor but I'm kinda weird. I don't exactly
know how to put this. Well... I guess you could say I don't respond to
things the way you might expect. For example, BJ said "You're going
down right now boy" when we were about to play basketball. Instead of
sticking up for myself I just said "OH YEAH?!?
WELL.....PROBABLY!!" Hehe. I'll put myself down to make someone
laugh anytime. Some of you might call that stupid, ah well. Maybe I am
stupid, but I make people laugh and gain friends that way. Without my
sense of humor, I'd have no friends at all cuz I'd have no personality.
Well that's pretty much all.
Favorites :
Color : Almost any shade of blue
Number : 2
Letter : R
Video Game : FFVIII, THPS2 & 3, Halo, Amped:
Freestyle Snowboarding, some others.
Movie : The Matrix, Cheech and Chong's Up In Smoke,
Happy Gilmore, Airheads, The Mummy Returns, practically anything with Jim
Carrey or Brandon Frasier in it.
Show : Seinfeld, That 70's Show, Grounded for Life,
Bernie Mac, Comedy Central Presents, All those other stand-up
Band : Red Hot Chili Peppers, Gorillaz, I don't choose
music by band too often. I usually only like 3 or 4 songs from each band. I
like a little of everything.
Song : Scar Tissue or Californication, almost all
Gorillaz songs too.
Music Video : Californication, 19-2000, Clint Eastwood,
Superhero : Spider-Man
Food : Pretty much anything.
Search Engine : AltaVista and Google